mibu no ookami
= parodies =
 I think there was another Kenshin site doing this... If it was yours, and you feel I'm ripping your ideas off, then please feel free to gatotsu me! I thought it would be fun to see, so...

 Here's what you do - take a gander at the image, decide what funny stuff you think people should be saying, and fill in the form. I'll then take your lines, toss them in the word bubbles, and put it up on the site! Simple enough, ne? Please keep in mind the size of the bubbles when you write these! ~_~;

Your name: E-mail address:
URL: Site Name:
Skit title: Parody #:
Bubble 1: Bubble 2:
Bubble 3: Bubble 4:
Here is one which was done by Erica  before my parody page was set up. 'Pika pika?'
Your name: E-mail address:
URL: Site Name:
Skit title: Bubble 1:
Bubble 2: Bubble 3:
Bubble 4: Bubble 5:
Bubble 6:
The latest parody!
 This is the latest parody, which has no Saitou content. Nope, instead it's one with Misao and Kamatari. It was a special request by Raya, and is dedicated to him as well

= view completed parodies =

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